Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One day at a time...

I write today feeling sleep deprived, but very blessed. I am so lucky to have my sweet little family. I am so blessed to have two happy and healthy kiddo's. I am so blessed to have a happy marriage. I know I will look back at these days and miss them. All the sleepless nights and trying times and sometimes chaos that each day brings. I now know how hard it is to be a mommy, (the hardest job in the world). Time is so precious and goes by so fast. Everyone tells me this: cherish each moment because tomorrow will come and your children will be gone, going to school, getting married etc. Sometimes I think we get in a hurry for our children to grow up... just slow down and take each moment for what it's worth. I can't believe that Ty will be 3 in about a month. It seems like just yesterday he was born. He is such a smart, healthy, awesome little boy. I love you Tyler! Sydney is already 4 mos. Where has the time gone? She is such a little smile machine! I am so glad I have her. My mom used to sing a song to me when I was little called "I'm so glad I have a little girl". She made up all the lyrics and I still remember most of it and the tune she sang it to. I will sing it to Sydney one day.
Anyway, these are my thoughts for today...
Cherish each day and live in the moment!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Good thoughts Brenda! I try to cherish it too! I sometimes cherish and complain too though. It is hard to be so tired. But worth it all the same!