So.. As most of you know I have a 4 month old sweet baby girl. She is so wonderful and I love her to death but I am so ready for a good nights sleep. She is still waking up anywhere from 2 to 6 times a night... that's right. Our pediatrician said we need to wait until the 6 mos. marker before we can give her rice cereal. I am hoping that in two months my nights will be better. Now on the other side of this coin is Mr. Tyler. He is also discovering it is neat to get up in the middle of the night, come down stairs, look out the window, open the fridge, stand right by mommy's ear and say "Can I watch TV"? This is a new thing for Ty. This is the boy who never used to get out of his bed. He has been in a twin bed for about a year now and for the longest time he would just yell for me to come get him when he woke up. He usually always slept through the night, but now he thinks this is pretty neat stuff to get up and roam the house at night. So yesterday I decided to start a sticker chart with him. He gets a sticker for every night he stays in bed and at the end he will get to go pick something neat out at the toy store. Hopefully this works!
Now Sydney on the other hand.....
Braces (again)
Amelia got braces today! She was excited to get them in and done before
she hits High School :) At her evaluation, the ortho said she has great
lineup and...
6 years ago